SEF.Growth Best Practice Event with Helbling Technik
Success Factors in the Collaboration with an R&D Provider from a Start-up Perspective
Start-ups are important drivers of innovation. Their agility, short decision-making paths and entrepreneurial spirit provide the right breeding ground to be able to quickly develop new technologies and business models as well as test them on the market. However, Start-ups often lack the experience and personnel breadth to time efficiently turn a prototype into a marketable product. Helbling supports Start-ups in this process with its comprehensive expertise in product development and industrialization. The event offers inspiring insights into such partnerships from the perspective of three Start-ups and Helbling Technik.

Hands-on best practices on how to turn a prototype into a marketable product
This event with a beautiful view over Zurich, Altstetten inspired many of the participating Start-ups. Especially the stories about the collaboration of the three companies Positrigo, Qualysense and Scewo as well as the personal exchange during an informal lunch showed them what the collaboration with Helbling Technik is like and what opportunities are offered. A few are listed below:
Helbling Technik also provides Equity funding
By working together with Helbling Technik, Start-ups can be more efficient and, if done properly, probably at a lower cost than hiring experts within the Start-up
Experts from Helbling offer more than just product development, but also sharing of vast Know-how, for example understanding what ISO13485 in quality management means and implies
Through the partnership with Helbling Technik, a big network opens up to the Start-ups